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Frequently Asked Questions
How can Personal Training help me?
Whether you are overweight, underweight, unfit, or want to get fitter, if you are pregnant or you have just had a baby, if you are bored with training, the kids have left home and you have more time to focus on you. You may have a specific fitness or physical goal. You may be training before you go skiing, or maybe your favourite jeans just don't fit. Personal training is training for you that is personal. My role as your personal trainer is to listen to your needs, concerns, barriers and goals and help you to find a way you can reach your goals whilst learning new skills and actually enjoying what you do.
How often should I train?
Three times each week should be sufficient for you to start feeling and seeing results. Although, like anything, you will get more out of it if you put more in. Whether you work out with me every time is up to you, and how motivated you are, how often you can afford to train, what your schedule is like every week. It will also depend on your specific goals and any time frames, but that is something we discuss in your initial consultation.
Where should I train?
There is no 'should' - you can achieve results working out in a gym, in the park, or at home. It is more a matter of availability and of convenience for you, particularly if you have special rehabilitative needs, which may require special equipment. I work mostly from the gym at Imperial Sports Ground but can work with you at your home, or in a park, I wouldn’t however be able to train you at another commercial gym. We can discuss how you choose to train and where during your sessions that you are not with me and we can make sure your plans suits your environment.
What's the cost of personal training?
Please refer to my 1:1 page for a list of possible costs depending on the level of support you would like.
What happens during a Personal Training session?
A personal training session will normally last for one hour. This will follow along the lines of a brief warm-up followed by your main training programme where you will focus on your goals using cardiovascular, strength or flexibility exercises. Finally there will be a cool down or relaxation period. Any programme may vary from one session to the next according to the clients' needs and progress.
What type of training do you offer?
I work with both male and female clients.
From body weight exercises to weight training to cardio what ever the requirement is to strengthen and condition the body to a healthier place. Training can vary from person to person depending on their needs, ability and goals. If Mobility and flexibility are your focus our sessions can also be tailored around these as core elements. I work regularly with clients using boxing as a skill and many find it enjoyable as well as a great calorie burn and great for fitness.
Do I need to bring anything?
Suitable exercise clothing, something that is secure and comfortable. Suitable footwear such as trainers. You may want to bring a hand towel and don’t forget your water bottle.